Once The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said to Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu): Do five things before going to bed at night, that is,
1.Give four thousand Dinars Sadqa,
2.Read one entire Holy Quran,
3.Fulfill the right of Heaven,
4.Fake peace between two people fighting, and
5.Perform one Hajj.
Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) said, "O Prophet of Allah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), this is very difficult for me." The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) then said,
=>Read four times Surah Faatiha, and you shall gain the Sawaab of giving four thousand Dinars in charity,
=>Read Surah Ikhlaas (Qul Huwallah) thrice, and you will gain the Sawaab of reciting one Holy Quran,
=>Recite Durood Shareef thrice, and you will gain the Sawaab of Jannah;
=>Recite Astaghfirullah Rabbi min Qulli Zambyu Wa Aatubu Ilaih ten times, and you will gain the reward of making peace between two people fighting, and
=>Recite the third Kalima (Subhaanallahi Wal Humdu lillahi Wa Laa Ilaha Ilal laahi Allahu Akbar Wa Laa Hawla Wa laa Quwata Illa Bil laahil Aliyil Azeem) four times and you will gain the reward of making Hajj."
On hearing these words, Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) said: "As from this day onwards, I will always follow this practice."
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